Here are some of the projects I've worked on:
A tool that automates penetration testing and generates reports.
Read MoreAn indoor navigation system based on IoT technology for better spatial orientation.
Read MoreAn indoor navigation system based on IoT technology for better spatial orientation.
Read MoreA mobile app for managing healthcare services and patient information.
Read MoreExperience includes:
System Sniffer
Completed the File Path traversal room
SQL Slayer
Conquered Advanced SQL Injection
Authentication Striker
Used the Hammer to bypass authentication
Malware Analysis
Completed the Advanced Dynamic Analysis room.
Boogeyman Slayer
Finishing the SOC L1 Capstone Module
Completing the 'Phishing' module
Handle the Disgruntled
Finishing the Disgruntled challenge!
To benign or not benign?
Finishing the Benign challenge!
Manic Monday
Finishing the Monday Monitor challenge!
Packet Master
Finishing the TShark Exercises!
Friday Fixer
Finishing the Friday Overtime challenge!
Skilled Navigator
Finishing the Eviction challenge!
Completing all Active Directory networks
Pentesting Principles
Completing the 'Introduction to Pentesting' module
Completing the Burp Suite module
Intro to Web Hacking
Completing the 'Introduction to Web Hacking' module
World Wide Web
Completing the 'How The Web Works' module
Linux PrivEsc
Mastering Linux Privilege Escalation
Hacking into Windows via EternalBlue
Contains the knowledge to use Metasploit
Hash Cracker
Cracking all those hashes
OWASP Top 10
Understanding every OWASP vulnerability
Understands how the world wide web works
cat linux.txt
Being competent in Linux
First Four
Completing four rooms in your first week of joining!
Plymouth University
Duration: October 2022 - May 2025
Year 1 Modules
Year 2 Modules
Year 3 Modules
Nsbm Green University
Duration: September 2021 - September 2022